Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sans Passion

"Passion is the element in which we live; without it, we hardly vegetate.
-- Lord Bryan.

Tonight as I sit all alone in the office, there is just one thing that feels creepy - Boredom. I am not sure the reason behind it nor do I wish to investigate. But to get myself out of this sad state I find myself searching the web for something completely opposite - Passion.
Again its not the exact antonym to the word boredom, still it sums up the exact state I am not in.

Nonetheless I found a beautiful poem regarding the futility of passion on the web:

a half-written screenplay
a new found devotion
whoring myself from
passion to passion
i cant seem to finish
what i pick up
i cant seem to start
what i left behind
a cigarette left burning
with lipstick on the rim
a brushstroke still missing
the paint caked and dry
a half-eaten morsel
a new found elation
flickering eyes from
passion to passion

This gives me some inspiration for poetry too, so here I go,

Lying on bed,
peeping through window,
Watching stars,
contemplating future.

Poking the stub,

puffing smoke,
Wishing to hug,
cuddling a pillow.

Berating my past,
plotting my destiny,
Craving existence,
Seeking eternity.

That sounds quite confused or may be that is the state I am in!!!

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